They’re Putting Him On A Diet, But There’s NO Fooling THIS Dog.

They’re Putting Him On A Diet, But There’s NO Fooling THIS Dog.

Genevieve Lopez

There comes a time when your once adorable, pocket-sized puppy transforms into an overgrown jumble of joy and it’s time to put them on dietary restrictions. For most pet owners, that’s nothing but a change in the grocery shopping routine. But for these owners, they’re struggling everyday feeding their picky eater anything near healthy!

Watch as they attempt to feed him low-fat lamb jerky. Not only does he refuse it, he is literally jumping in terror at the site of this not-so-yummy treat!

If you’ve ever been on a diet you know just how hard it is to eat anything low-fat. Give this poor pup a break!

If you hate diets too, SHARE this video!