This Tiny House Has One Little SECRET That Sets It Apart From The Rest!

This Tiny House Has One Little SECRET That Sets It Apart From The Rest!

Ashley Rego

With the gaining popularity of the tiny house trend, I have seen my fair share of miniature homes.

From tropical bungalows to jungle inspired treehouses, I thought I had seen it all!

That is until I came across this humble dwelling.


With only 218 square feet of space, this home starts off right on track with the whole tiny house phenomena. The video below shows the complete tour of the inside, highlighting the gorgeously designed interior, full of reclaimed wood, a wood-burning stove, a full sized bathroom and even a second story loft.


BUT, there’s one thing that sets THIS tiny house apart from the rest – it happens to be perched up on a set of wheels! That’s right, this home can attach to a truck and be transported to just about wherever the homeowners feel like setting up shop!


I’m so jealous! Next time I buy a house, it WILL be on wheels! SHARE this awesome video with everyone you know!