Her Tiny Kitten Has A Hidden Talent Unlike Anything You’ve EVER Seen!

Her Tiny Kitten Has A Hidden Talent Unlike Anything You’ve EVER Seen!

Sophia Gioiello

Some people sleep walk and some people sleep talk, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person do what this tiny little kitten can do!

She’s fast asleep with her mom when, all of the sudden, she begins to dance in her sleep! Her owner had to grab the camera to document this hilariously cute moment with her new kitten.

Some viewers think this poor thing is in the middle of a nightmare, and that she’s actually twitching. But, with that background music it looks like she’s busting a move! Either way, she looks like she’s ready for a tummy rub!

I’ve never seen a cat sleep like this, sometimes they can be the silliest animals. Wait until the end to see the momma cat stand up to her owner and say, “Alright, enough recording already!” These two are the cutest.

There’s nothing like an adorable cat video to brighten your day, so make sure you SHARE with all your friends on Facebook!