Dad Challenges Her To Get On The Horse By Herself. Her Solution Is Amazing!

Dad Challenges Her To Get On The Horse By Herself. Her Solution Is Amazing!

Sophia Gioiello

If at first you do not succeed, try and try again! This toddler is learning the golden rule for life’s little challenges at a very young age. Her dad challenges her to one big feat – to get up on her pony all by herself.

This intelligent girl knows she isn’t big enough to do so on her own, but that does not stop her. She invents the perfect solution for her lack of size and strength, and it couldn’t be cuter. She uses a smaller horse as a step stool to get herself on the pony! Just when you think they’re going to get angry, the horses remain calm and patient with her the whole time.

Her fearless act fails the first few times, but she just dusts herself off to try again (and again!) Her little genius idea is so sweet, and it’s all captured on camera!

If you thought her act was as cute as we did, SHARE the love and pass it on!