Two Toddlers Destroy a Room With Just One Bag Of Flour – This Poor Mother!

Two Toddlers Destroy a Room With Just One Bag Of Flour – This Poor Mother!

Kendall Conners

This kid video is not your typical giggling baby caught on camera interlude.

Mary Napoli of Michigan describes how she walked into her living room to find the couches, carpets, walls and floors completely covered in flour and her two young sons playing in the snow like mess.

Napoli’s story is a nightmare for any parent trying to juggle it all.

She says she got back from grocery shopping and ran to use the bathroom, leaving a five-pound bag of flour within reach of her three-year-old and one-year-old sons, and came out to see her house trashed.

“When I turned the corner, the boys were hurling it up in the air everywhere and they showered me in flour! I ran back to the bathroom, took a deep breath and hit record,” Napoli said.

To the skeptics, she says, “The boys had a nice ‘talking to’ by me and my husband after, you can bet on that I may never buy flour again!”

Either way, the moral of the story: flour and kids don’t mix.

Do you think you would have remained as calm as this mom?

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