She’s Trying To Learn The Names Of Her New Twin Siblings When She Makes This Adorable Announcement!

She’s Trying To Learn The Names Of Her New Twin Siblings When She Makes This Adorable Announcement!

Kendall Conners

Whether they remember it or not, there comes a time in every older sibling’s life when Mom and Dad bring home a new baby. This is a pivotal moment in a youngster’s life!

Having new siblings means a number of things. On one hand, attention from Mom and Dad now has to be shared, but on the other hand the older sibling gets a lifelong friend!

But the mom and dad in this video threw this little girl a curveball when they brought home not one, but two new siblings! This adorable little 2-year-old girl holds one of her new twin siblings while trying to learn both of their names.

Her mom asks her if she knows the name of the baby she’s holding. When she says the name of the other twin, she just gets all sorts of confused. Then, she looks around and blurts out the most adorable announcement!

I bet mom can relate to what she said! SEE what this adorable little girl has to say and SHARE with your friends!