This Dad’s Trampoline Audition Is Unlike Any Other!

Will Vladimir

This Dad’s Trampoline Audition Is Unlike Any Other!

Ashley Rego

Vladimir Georgievsky makes his way out in front of the judges and live audience, standing meekly before a very large trampoline.

The adorable father explains to the judges that he had recently purchased a trampoline for his two sons at home. However, it was he who took a keen liking to the jumps, leaps and flips – soon friends encouraged Vladimir to take his bouncing skills to the Britain’s Got Talent stage

The music begins and he makes his way up the ladder, clumsily at first, but don’t worry, it’s all part of the act! With a very well thought out routine, Vladimir leaves the entire audience in stitches! Even Simon is left with a smile from ear to ear!

I don’t know about you, but I have NEVER seen an audition like this before. Well done, Vladimir! SHARE the love and pass it on!