This Tree House/Medieval Castle Is The Ultimate Dream Home!

This Tree House/Medieval Castle Is The Ultimate Dream Home!

Kendall Conners

Tree houses and forts are two of the most amazing things in a kid’s life. Climbing inside a tiny fort built out of sticks and branches, can feel like stepping through the doors of a castle for a kid.

When I was a kid I dreamed of being able to build a tree house that I could live in. Unfortunately, palm trees don’t have a whole lot of branches to build on top of so my dreams were quickly squashed.

But Blue Forest, a British design firm, is making dreams come true for one lucky family out there. They have designed and constructed the ultimate dream home — half tree house, half medieval castle.

As if a tree house, medieval caste hybrid home doesn’t sound cool enough, this sucker also comes equipped with a rope bridge, zip line and obstacle course. Sign me up for that!

That’s only the beginning though, the real cherry on top of this dream home is the interior. These pictures seem almost too good to be true:

Tree-house-1This ‘too-good-to-be-true’ tree house dream home is comprised of two sections.

Tree-house-2The castle section, which is where the children live.

Tree-house-3Which looks even cooler on the inside…

Tree-house-4Equipped with a secret trap door, aka, every child’s dream.

Tree-house-5To get to the other side of this fort you cross a super awesome draw bridge.

Tree-house-6And it leads to the parents room! Which looks like it’s straight out of The Shire.

Tree-House-7And the inside of this hobbit tree house? Cooler than you could possibly imagine.

Tree-house-8I could definitely put my feet up here and call this place home.


How insanely cool is this place?! Whoever currently lives here has it made!

Would you live in a home like this?

Tell us what you think in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE the love and pass this on! 




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