This Truck Driver’s Facebook Post Could Save Your Life

This Truck Driver’s Facebook Post Could Save Your Life

Erika Carter

Florida long-haul truck driver, Eric Boling Bracey, wants you to know that he can kill you. He wants you to know that you probably won’t see it coming. And he wants you to know that you can prevent it.

As a truck driver for many years and seeing countless examples of careless and reckless drivers on the road, Bracey took matters into his own hands. He posted a video to Facebook showing people just how difficult it is for a semi-truck to stop.

He claims that one of the biggest problems he encounters on the road is drivers driving in front of semis too closely. With most truck loads pushing 25 tons, it’s not exactly easy for them to stop on a dime. In fact, it takes them over 400 feet to come to a complete stop on the highway.

“I’m telling you this so that the next time you’re on the road, or on the express way, and you see a truck, don’t pull in front of it and hit your breaks. Because you could die, and I would have to live with the fact that I killed somebody,”

Pay attention, people!

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