A GoPro On A Turtle Gives You A Turtles-Eye-View

Sea Turtle

A GoPro On A Turtle Gives You A Turtles-Eye-View

Bethany Burrows

You know that scene from Finding Nemo where Nemo’s dad rides a sea turtle on the East Australian Current? Well this video is just like that!

Unless you’ve gone snorkeling or scuba diving, chances are you haven’t been well acquainted with the ocean floor.

Have no fear, this turtle is about to give you an up close and personal tour of his home, the Great Barrier Reef.

His surprisingly speedy trip over the coral reef is relaxing to watch as he glides around effortlessly. Over the coral and around the fish we watch his silent but beautiful journey.

On land they might be slow, but in the water it’s almost as if they’re flying! I don’t know whose idea it was to attach a GoPro to a turtle but I’m glad they did!

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