Mom Puts Her Twin Babies In The Tub. She NEVER Expected Them To React Like This!

Mom Puts Her Twin Babies In The Tub. She NEVER Expected Them To React Like This!

Genevieve Lopez

There’s nothing more special than the bond between twins. If you’re lucky enough to experience this everlasting friendship, you know very well that there’s nothing that can quite compare to the close relationship twins can have.

This mom always knew her twin babies were the best of friends, not because they fell asleep together, ate together, and had long gibberish, conversations together. They proved their special friendship every time she gave them a bath!

Bath time is their favorite hobby and when you see what Mom got on film, you’ll know why! The moment she puts them in the water, they’re shouting, laughing, and playing together like no other experience is better! Clearly, the only thing they love more than each other is the water! It’s absolutely darling!

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