When This Little Girl Meets Her Father’s Twin For The First Time, Her Reaction Is Hilarious!

When This Little Girl Meets Her Father’s Twin For The First Time, Her Reaction Is Hilarious!

Ashley Rego

It’s hard being a kid! With every day bringing new and unfamiliar experiences, you’re basically living a life of constant confusion. Well this little girl is about to be confronted with the ultimate bewildering situation, only reserved for a select few. 

Dad marches through the door with his beautiful daughter bundled up tight in his arms, unaware of what’s to come.

They knock on the door, and who answers? She takes a long look at the familiar face and quickly darts her eyes back to the man holding her. Again, she returns her gaze to the stranger, and once more to the one holding her. Complete and utter puzzlement overwhelms the poor girl!

While she thought it was her loving father who carried her into the new home, she just can’t be too sure as she stares into the eyes of the man in front of her. He looks like her father, but so does the man who’s holding her! Yes, the perplexity of identical twins is a mind bender, particularly for a baby!

Watch as the adorable little girl struggles to decide which one of the clones is actually her father and SHARE her priceless reaction on Facebook!