Twins Putting Themselves to Bed Will Be The Cutest Thing You See All Day!

Twins Putting Themselves to Bed Will Be The Cutest Thing You See All Day!

Jamaica Bravo

Raising a child is difficult, but when you have twins, it’s double the trouble! It’s double the work when it comes to teaching some of life’s most important lessons, like morals and values, and some of life’s most necessary lessons, like potty training. But you won’t believe how easy this mother of two energetic twins boys has it.

Her boys were playing in the other room when she noticed it was getting past their bedtime. For any other mom, putting their child to bed in the middle of their play session would have been a nightmare, but not for this mom. All she needed to do was shout, “Go to bed!”

Watch as her twin boys quickly run to their rooms, bottles in hand, and climb over their cribs. They plop into bed and put themselves to bed. I couldn’t believe it either until she zipped up their crib covers and left the room.

Now I don’t know how this mother managed to train her boys to do such a thing, but I’m impressed! It’s such an unusual sight!

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