Unable to Bring His Wife Flowers, WHAT These Men Do For This Elderly Widower WILL Make You Cry

Unable to Bring His Wife Flowers, WHAT These Men Do For This Elderly Widower WILL Make You Cry

Kendall Conners

Bud Caldwell is proof that true love exists, and it’s an amazing thing. After spending almost 56 years together, Bud Caldwell lost his wife Betty two years ago. Since then, he has been bringing a daisy and a penny every day to a bench he dedicated to her in memoriam, reports WLUK-TV FOX11.

“I try not to let her down,” said Caldwell. “This is one way I can show that.”

The daisy and penny are in remembrance of two of their favorite songs, “Daisy a Day” and “Pennies From Heaven”. While visiting her bench he talks to her and gives her an update on his daily life, as though she’s right there next to him.

But Caldwell is a resident of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin – where winter is alive and well. When the town experiences a storm it can get dangerous for this 82-year-old man to visit the park where his sweet Betty’s bench is.

Two park workers noticed this and decided to do the unthinkable. These two park employees, Jerrod Ebert and Kevin Schultz, volunteered to shovel a path to Betty’s bench, so Bud can still visit her daily.

“We both commented that we just cant have this, we gotta make sure he can get to his bench and talk to his wife,” said Jerrod Ebert.

So, every time Bud Caldwell’s path is blocked by snow or too dangerous for him to walk on, Ebert and Schultz grab their shovels and make sure he can visit his dear Betty.

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