Southerners are known for a couple of things – their hospitality and their twang. People who become famous by way of the Internet and social media open up themselves to a barrage of criticism.
Chad Prather is a Ride TV popular personality. He recently received a strong dose of criticism from commenters labeling his southern accent as “offensive,” claiming that it proved that he’s “not intelligent.”
His response to such hard words exemplifies his civility. Prather responded to his haters with a video message that was both cool and collected. His diatribe makes it clear that he is unapologetically southern for a variety of reasons.
“Maybe I’m not that smart. I would love to be as smooth, sophisticated, suave, and debonair as those of you who send me those messages seem to be. I wish that I could articulate my thoughts and enunciate my words as well as you master communicators must be capable of doing!” He said with a grin.
Prather goes on to explain that to the contrary of the carpers; Southerners are much more than the faultfinder comments. He eloquently explains that the Southern way of life is centered on respecting everyone.
He delightfully uses a sense of humor to mask an intelligible and coherent reply to the naysayers. In true southern fashion, he reminds us that the South isn’t a place that should be taken lightly.
What a virtuous way to brush off the haters. Bravo! SHARE the love and pass it on.