We recently released a heartbreaking story of Maximus, a beloved Rottweiler, who got his tongue stuck in his plastic toy, causing enough damage to get it amputated. Owner Jamie Stumpf, who went to Facebook to ask for prayers to be sent his way, recently posted that his beloved ‘buddy’ had passed away.
Unfortunately, the dog’s favorite toy ended up costing him his life. While playing with his Kong toy, the ball suctioned onto his tongue causing major tissue damage.
Although Maximus put up a valiant fight, he passed away six days later. The seemingly harmless toy proves to be a danger for any canine, especially since Maximus isn’t the first dog to experience such danger.
In 2008, one canine owner called for a chew toy to be recalled when her dog’s tongue had to be amputated after it suctioned onto the toy.
Jamie Stumpf posted to Facebook a series of pictures of his “fearless defender of his pack.”
Our hearts go our to Jamie and the other victims of tragic stories like these. Rest in peace, Maximus.
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