Arthur Kamberis fought alongside allies in World War II, but today, this courageous man fights a different kind of battle.
The 95-year-old WWII veteran went out to pick up his loving wife’s medicine at the local Walgreens when a thief spotted his cash-filled wallet. The robber thought this was the prime opportunity to take advantage of an older man – cane included.
The heartless criminal followed Mr. Kamberis out of the store and attempted to steal his belongings. What this veteran did next was incredible, although not advised by the local police officers.
He used his cane to beat the thief until he knocked some sense into him. “I hit him,” says Mr. Kamberis, “and I hit him hard!”
But it was not just the money that he was worried about. “I had my credit card, my license, my grandchildren’s pictures in there and all sorts of stuff that would have been hard for me to replace,” he adds.
The news story below will make you wonder how someone could take advantage of such a sweet and sincere man like Mr. Kamberis.
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