Video Goes Viral Of Father Taking A Stand Against Public Humiliating Children

Video Goes Viral Of Father Taking A Stand Against Public Humiliating Children

Ashley Rego

If you haven’t heard of the popular new discipline practice often referred to as the “Benjamin Button Special,” it is when kids are given a haircut to resemble an elderly man, meant to embarrass the kids into shaking their unruly behavior and getting back on track.

At the start of this video that has gone viral since it made its way to Facebook, Wayman Gresham leads viewers to believe he is about to give his son, Isaiah, this public humiliation as punishment for acting out.

But just as he is about to put the razor to Isaiah’s head, he quickly recoils and exclaims, “There’s no way in the world I would ever embarrass my son like that!”

Instead, the Florida father uses the video as an opportunity to take a stand against publicly shaming children as a form of enforcing discipline. He emphasizes that good parenting is “letting your child know that you love them regardless of what they are and who they are and showing them the way by example,” and not by putting your children down.

How do you feel about Wayman’s stance against disciplining children through public humiliation?

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