Walmart Employee Fired For Turning In Cash Found In Parking Lot

Walmart Employee Fired For Turning In Cash Found In Parking Lot

Angela Markus

Walmart is undoubtedly on of the largest retail stores in the country. As successful as the conglomerate is, it is plagued with many unethical issues pertaining to the treatment of its employees. Michael Walsh of Schenectady, a Walmart maintenance worker for 18 years, was fired a few days after he turned in $350 in cash he found in the parking lot of the Walmart Neighborhood Market.

Walsh said he found a $5 bill in the parking lot and immediately went inside and turned it over to a manager. When he went back outside to continue his job that involves picking up garbage and collecting stray shopping carts, he found a small stack of bills, $20s and $10s, in the parking lot. It was not in an envelope and bore no identification. Walsh was called into a manager’s office, and was interrogated and later terminated for “gross misconduct.” You might be asking, what did he do wrong? He had waited about 30 minutes before he turned in the money.

“The only thing I did wrong was hesitate,” Walsh said, who is 45. “I didn’t steal anything. They didn’t give me any warning. They just fired me.” He explained, “A woman was yelling at a manager, freaking out that she lost her money and I got nervous,” said Walsh, who speaks haltingly and has anxiety issues. “I kind of froze and didn’t want any trouble.”

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