Watch What This Dog Does When the Little Boy Wants To Play in The Puddle! So cute!

Watch What This Dog Does When the Little Boy Wants To Play in The Puddle! So cute!

Kendall Conners

Few things in life are cuter than little kids and dogs. So what happens when you put a little boy, a dog, and a puddle together? Cuteness overload!

This adorable little boy and his dog were out for a stroll on a lovely afternoon. The little boy is walking the dog, who is basically his size, when all of a sudden he sees a puddle. Now, I don’t know if you remember what it’s like being a kid, but as a kid you DON’T pass up a good puddle! Splashing in puddles was one of my FAVORITE things to do!

Obviously the little boy stops to take a little splash! What the dog does while the little boy is playing almost brought tears to my eyes it was so cute. The little boy set down the leash and looked at the dog to make sure he wouldn’t run away. The dog looked back with the utmost admiration at the little boy. The two looked at each other for a moment and in that moment you could see the incredible bond between them.

It was almost like the dog was saying, “It’s ok little guy go ahead and play, I’ll wait for you.” So, the little boy splashes around for a little bit then comes back to the dog, picks up the leash and they start walking again on their merry way.

What did you think of this ridiculously cute video? Please watch and SHARE the cuteness with your friends!