Danielle Zimmerman was a 43-year old wife and beloved mother of two. On Dec. 19th, 2014, she went out to get dinner for her family at the local Taco Bell when something terribly wrong happened. She suffered a brain aneurysm in the drive-thru and crashed it into the speaker box.
As she lay dying in the drive-thru line, something horrible happened. A nearby predator, Daquantrius Johnson, heard about the incident on the Crime Stoppers line. He ran to the car, grabbed Danielle’s purse and the wedding ring off of her finger and ran off. Danielle died in the hospital the following day.
Daquantrius was later caught and charged with the burglary. His attorney asked that he be given probation. The judge would have none of it.
Judge Christopher Magana threw the book at him, saying, “The evidence at jury trial was that you were the one who went to her car and you were the one that robbed her. The evidence at jury trial was that you were the only one seen with and in possession of her wedding ring after this crime. The law does not require that you assist someone in a time of need. But it does prohibit you from attacking someone in their time of need.”
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