Say you’re out in the wild and you happen to see a bear roaming around. What would you do? Experts would tell you to either back away slowly, or try to intimidate it by yelling things like “Bad bear! Bad bear!” and puffing up your chest.
Personally, I’ve never actually encountered a bear out in the wild, but I can say with almost complete certainty that I would not follow any of that advice. I would most likely FREAK out and run in the opposite direction. So, when I first started watching this video I was very confused.
This man is outdoors and sees a bear walking in his direction. But instead of backing away slowly or ruffling his feathers, he just stands there and waits for the bear to approach him. Once the bear gets to where he is the most bizarre thing happens.
The bear starts doing somersaults! Come to find out this man has actually trained this bear. That’s right, he’s trained a wild bear. The bear starts doing all these crazy tricks with just a simple command and ensuing treat from the trainer.
I have never seen anything like this before! The tricks that this bear and man do together are simply incredible! I’d really like to know the back-story on these two and how long it took to teach the bear all those awesome tricks.
What did you think of this little routine? Please watch and be sure to SHARE with your friends!