Mom Walks Into The Room To Find Her Daughter Covered in White Paint. Now Her Picture is Going Viral

Mom Walks Into The Room To Find Her Daughter Covered in White Paint. Now Her Picture is Going Viral

Angela Markus

Every parent has been in that situation where our children destroyed a flower vase, colored on the walls, or spilled their milk. Accidents are bound to happen. We can become angry, frustrated, and stressed to the point where we want to pull our hair out.

Yes, they are our children. Yes, there are times that seem unbearable, and there are messes that take hours to clean. Yes, they are our pride and joy, and we love them.

Mother Victoria Farmer knows just that. After a long night, Victoria had left out a bucket of white paint not realizing it would later be a terrible mistake. She was away in the other room when her two-year-old daughter Anniston got a hold of the paint and, you guessed it, made a huge mess! Minutes later, Victoria walked into the room and not only found her little one drenched in the paint, but found the furniture and floor covered in paint too.

Rather than getting upset, Victoria reached for the camera and posted this unbearable mess on Facebook. She had no idea that the picture would go viral.

“I knew I had to take a picture of it,” Victoria laughs. She said she knew the damage was already done.

This life mishap proves that even accidents or certain messes can become a fond memory. It is those messy spills, those accidents, that become the best memories families can look back on and laugh about.

Victoria proves not every messy accident can be upsetting; sometimes one needs to look at the broader picture and smile.

What would you have done if you spotted this mess?

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