Anti-Bulling Campaign Conducts Social Experiment To See Who Will Stop The Bullying

Anti-Bulling Campaign Conducts Social Experiment To See Who Will Stop The Bullying

Angela Markus

This PSA asks a pertinent question. What would you do if you were minding your own business, let’s say sitting at a bus stop, when suddenly you overhear some children bullying a younger pair close by? Will you have something to say? Would you intervene?

If you were not aware, October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, and UP TV wanted to uncover the answer to who will stop the bullying? In the emotional PSA, strangers are put to the test, and despite what you think, the results may surprise you. In the social experiment, hidden cameras were placed across the street from a bus stop. While two tween girls play the role of cruel bullies, another plays the part of a bullying victim.

As strangers take a seat on the bench just across the way from the girls, they can overhear the harsh comments and insults. The older girls ask, “Do you have any friends? Ones that aren’t imaginary?” They also attack her physical appearance stating, “You definitely need makeup.” Everyone knows how cruel students in middle and high school could be.

But will the strangers sit and ignore the taunting, or will they step in to help the poor kid?

The emotionally appeal footage shows how each stranger responds to the girls. There are moments when your eyes will well up to see just how powerful and how far a kind act can go. I think the purpose of a PSA like this is not only to show the positive side of the human race but to encourage others to show acts of kindness if ever confronted with such a situation.

One in three children will be bullied. Let us all stand up to bullying!

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