She Had A Premonition About Her Husband. Her Story Will Give You CHILLS!

She Had A Premonition About Her Husband. Her Story Will Give You CHILLS!

Sophia Gioiello

Scared and yelling for help, Scott Mayhew was trapped underneath his family’s SUV. The father of three was working on the car when it slipped off the jack and crushed him entirely. But he refused to panic and did the only thing he knew would help – pray.

He prayed that his wife, Nicole, would come home in time to help him. She was at work when she felt a strong feeling come over her. Nicole says she had an overwhelming intuition that she needed to check on her husband. When she opened the garage she saw her husband in serious pain.

She ran to her neighbors to find someone to help. The two of them then lifted the vehicle off Scott and called 911. He suffered from six broken ribs and internal injuries, but he thanks his brave wife and her strong instincts for saving his life.

Nicole says, “I think God was watching us that day and I’m so thankful for that.” This awe-inspiring story sent chills down my spine the first time I heard it. The power of his wife’s intuition and his faith in God truly saved his life!

Watch the video below to hear more about the Mayhew’s incredible story of faith and survival.

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