These Cool Lifehacks Will Change Your Entire Winter Season

These Cool Lifehacks Will Change Your Entire Winter Season

Angela Markus

It’s that time of the year again. Oversized jackets, shorter days, ski vacations and chapped lips. Love it or hate it, it is here. Many might dread the bad that comes with the winter season, but how can you not love the season of blankets, sleds, slightly-mad snow day schemes, and Christmas? But I must admit, there are some aspects of winter that are universally horrid. So, here are some amazing life hacks that will make this winter season easier and more affordable.

AOL contributor, Neil Hellengers offers the most helpful tips. On those snowy and wet days, our shoes tend to become soggy, sometimes drenched. Neil suggests using balled up newspaper to absorb the water.

Homeowners know all too well how heating costs considerably increase during those winter months. One such reason is drafts that cause that cold air to come in. The colder it is, the more heat is needed to stay comfy. Don’t’ spend an arm and a leg purchasing store bought draft protectors. Neil recommends heading over to your local hardware store and buying pipe insulation. It does the job, and it is quite affordable. Who knew how effective bubble wrap could be to prevent drafty windows. All you need is some water and bubble wrap.

Another serious problem during winter is those foggy glass windows. Neil’s answer to that problem—shaving cream. Lastly, if you must ride your bike this winter, do no lose traction. Try zip-ties at even intervals. This guy is a genius.

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