What Canes?! These Grandmas Are Getting Down And Doing The Wobble!

What Canes?! These Grandmas Are Getting Down And Doing The Wobble!

Genevieve Lopez

Just when you thought grandmas were only good at telling stories and baking pies, this hip trio comes into your life to prove age is nothing but a number!

What looks like an ordinary race event is actually the scene in one of the greatest performances you will ever see. Accompanied by V.I.C’s “Wobble,” three grandmas, dressed in their brightest pants, let loose and show spectators how to really wobble.

From epic hip swaying to pelvic thrusts, these senior citizens hold nothing back in the spotlight. And the passerby’s reactions are almost just as good as their performance.

I dare you to refrain from cracking up. It’s nearly impossible! You go, grandmas!

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