Woman Posts Powerful Message For People Always Asking Women About Babies

Woman Posts Powerful Message For People Always Asking Women About Babies

Angela Markus

An Ann Arbor woman’s Facebook post might just quiet those people who find it necessary to ask 20-somethings’ and 30-somethings’ about their plans to have children. It is even drawing international attention.

Emily Bingham posted her conversation accompanied by what she said with a random ultrasound image of a baby to underscore what she called “just a friendly P.S.A. that people’s reproductive and procreative plans and decisions are none of your business.”



The sentiment has definitely struck a chord. Bingham said in an interview that she had no idea the post would capture such attention. The reasoning behind her statement—a last-straw conversation she recently had.

Bingham said, “I had dinner with some of my boyfriend’s family, and someone had made a joke about grandkids, pointed at me, and it wasn’t the first time I’d had somebody make a comment like that.”

She goes on, “I’m 33. I’ve never been married. I’ve had people say things like, ‘You’re getting older, do you want to have kids? Your clock is ticking.’”


Bingham said she finally felt perturbed enough to say something. All of those matters and decisions are incredibly private. “It’s a sensitive topic,” she said. “People aren’t intending to be hurtful, but the questions can be insensitive and cause people grief.”

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