Woman Receives Free NutriBullet When Seller Learned Her Mother Had Cancer

Woman Receives Free NutriBullet When Seller Learned Her Mother Had Cancer

Erika Carter

When Cara Duggan of Belfast, Ireland, got the news that her beloved mother had fallen ill to stage four oesophageal cancer, she scrambled. How could she help her mother? What could she do to make her more comfortable?

Though it seemed small in the scheme of things, Cara decided to purchase a Nutribullet so that her mother could enjoy soups and milkshakes, since eating solid foods had become difficult for her. With the bills piling up, Cara decided to see if she could find the regularly priced $200 mixer for cheaper on a classifieds site.

Cara was so happy to see the exact item she was looking for and immediately messaged the seller, asking for his/her PayPal information so that she could go ahead and get the transaction started. What happened next left Cara in tears.



The seller responded: “I’m sorry to hear your mum has cancer…just send me your address I will post it to you and you don’t have to pay for it. I also pray for your mum. And if there is anything I can do for you please let me know.”

Shocked, Cara was very thankful for the sweet gesture but insisted on paying for the item herself, but the seller refused.

“It’s paid now please collect it today as I don’t want you and your mum to wait for the Nutribullet.”



Confused, Cara wondered how the item could possibly be arriving that very same day, so she messaged the seller again. Apparently, the seller was so moved by Cara’s story that he purchased a brand new mixer at a local store and put it under Cara’s name. When she went to thank the seller, the stranger simply replied “Don’t say thanks to me. In fact, thanks to you for giving me this opportunity.”

Cara shared her story on Facebook as a thank you to the kind stranger. She hopes other will follow in his/her footsteps.

What a lovely story. SHARE the love and pass it on! 



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