When I Saw What This Student Did To His Teacher, My JAW DROPPED

When I Saw What This Student Did To His Teacher, My JAW DROPPED

Patrick Dangermond

Cell phones have become something that many people use frequently. They are an incredible source of information and fun people. You probably see people all over the place incredibly absorbed in their phones and ignoring the world around them. It’s almost like they are addicted to their phones.

This is one of those situations that heavy cell phone use brings up. A physics teacher in Paterson, New Jersey took a phone away from a student who wasn’t paying attention in class. This led the high school freshman to go after the teacher and eventually BODY SLAM his teacher to the ground! The teacher was so afraid of losing his job that he didn’t want to fight back at all.

Some of the fellow students tried to calm the student down to no effect. They eventually got security to come in and the student has been suspended.

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