They Found Feces on Shopping Carts. Here’s How You Can Make Sure You’re Shopping in Cleanliness

They Found Feces on Shopping Carts. Here’s How You Can Make Sure You’re Shopping in Cleanliness

Erika Carter

An Oklahoma local news station recently investigated shopping carts, or rather, the germs on shocking carts — and the results are a little sickening!

The news team went to three different Oklahoma City grocery stores and tested a cart in each location three different times. One test was of the germs on the shopping cart handle without it having been wiped down, the second was of the shopping cart handle after it had been wiped down using the wipe provided by each store, and the third test was to see how dirty the actual wipe container arethemselves.

Prepare yourself for the results. As I said previously, they’ll make you queasy!

The findings of the first test, of the unwiped shopping cart, showed feces on all of the shopping carts. Yuck! The good news, however, is that the second test showed that after the grocery cart handles were wiped down with disinfectant wipes, there were no traces of bacteria.

So, seriously, wipe down your carts! Just be careful when you reach for your wipe — as the wipe containers were, too, crawling with bacteria.

Moral of the story? Always wipe down your shopping cart handle and be sure not to touch the wipe container! Oh, it might be a good idea to bring some hand-sanitizer just in case.

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